Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 May 2023 at 10.00 atRomiley Life Centre

Present: Pam Reed, Terry Holmes, Jean Bartlett, Beryl andAlan Smith, Philippa Bonorino

Apologies: Tracey Adams, John Young, Abdulnaser Alshurbaji, Glenys Backhouse 

1. Minutes of the meeting on 7 March 2023 were accepted as a correct record.

2. Matters arising:  Since the meeting it has been reported that work has begun to repair the damaged wall along the Compstall Road entrance.

3. Treasurer’s Report: PR reported a balance of £1954.23 following three transactions, which were the purchase of plants for the tubs and the school bed and wire to train the Clematis.

4. Action Plan 

  • Wildflower meadow – The grass was cut in April. We need to remind JH about not cutting it again – PB. Asession removing docks is needed - PB
  • Trees/Hedges – TLC have planted the ninth multi-stemmed Betula.  AA will complete the remainder of the beech hedge on the school side when it can be fitted into the schedule. One of the Plane trees has been vandalised. It will be trimmed and encouraged to regrow TH
  • School bed – The outstanding plant order of Asclepias, and Astrantia from PB were planted on 25 March. Helenium, Helianthus and Phlox are still to be purchased by PB. Regular maintenance continues.
  • Wet beds – AS’ offer to provide some Doronicum was accepted.
  • Centre bed – All major pruning has been completed, including Phlomis.  Geum “Prinses Juliana” was planted on 25 March, replacing some of the geranium. Regular maintenance continues 
  • Optician’s bed – regular maintenance continues.
  • Compstall Rd – Pruning will continue when the work on the boundary wall has been completed. Regular maintenance is required. Geraniums from the centre bedhave filled some of the gaps.
  • Carlton Ave – Shrubs and yew have been pruned and the bed weeded. A variegated Hebe was killed by the frost.
  • Tubs – JB will replace the winter plants and look forsmall shrubs to add a little height. Congratulations to JB for seeking more sponsors, with one response so far.

5. Social

  • Thanks to JB for organising the meal at Kambuje, which was very enjoyable.
  • The Bridgewater visit on 19 April was also successful.

6. Gardening – Tuesday 9, Monday 15 and Saturday 27May 2023.

7. Other business – The suggestion to hold a plant sale was agreed. TA to arrange. The WI have offered to donate another tree. We need to know how much they want to give. AG to liaise and inform TA/PB.

8. Next Meeting – Tuesday 3 July at 10.00